Its spring and I've got flowers and color on my mind.
Watercolour by tereSager. |
Buddha says...
watercolour by tereSager. |
All day. Everyday.
watercolour by tereSager. |
Yes Carole Anne, go to the light.
watercolour by tereSager. |
The power of now.
watercolour by tereSager. |
Whistle baby.
watercolour by tereSager. |
How old would you be if you didn't know your age? Thought-provoking.
watercolour by tereSager. |
This can not be denied.
watercolour by tereSager. |
Lemons, painted in a nervous frenzy when Willie got stuck in the tree.
watercolour by tereSager. |
Raised by mermaids in a sea of green.
watercolour by tereSager. |
eat, dance, whatever...
watercolour by tereSager. |
what it wants...
watercolour/collage by tereSager. |
Inhale. Exhale.
Mystery is important.
Sometimes in the middle of nowhere...
She got a new face and looks more fabulous than before. This is a mixed media piece on a vintage bookcover.
Another vintage bookcover mixed media piece, a valentine possibly?