Friday, February 27, 2015

SnowFlakes and Kerosene.

Everyone is Cold, but February is ending. O.V.E.R.  Day after tomorrow is Psychological Spring.  Which always coincides btw with the 1st Day of March.  Once it is Psychological Spring, well, then it can Snow and Freezing Rain and Sleet us all it wants but it doesn't. stand. a. chance.  Why?  Because it is March and it is Psychological Spring and we all have made the transition in our minds.  Sorry Old Man Winter, you're done for now.
Meanwhile we do what we have to do.  Like starting a little portrait...
...and asking (quite politely) for Peppermints please...
...and dining on large green salads...
...and checking the equipment...yikes!...
and Sprout Farming.  This is my farm:-)  It is saving me.  Its the Little Things in Life, right? little baby Alfalfa Sprouts.  I wonder if my ponies will try them, after all, they're alfalfa.  I'll put some in their Hot Oatmeal this evening.  I'll let you know if they like them...
Everybody is having their own personal versions of Winter-Time Super-Cold Weather Problems.  All of us. Mine is a broken furnace, ouch.  Hence the "kerosene" title.   We're all in this together.  Hold hands people, we can do this!  Only one more day, then its PSYCHOLOGICAL SPRING!!!  Yay!

Perhaps tomorrow I will post photos of the men on the "luge"  (our 300 yards of pure ice driveway), WITH the brand-spankin' new furnace.  Aren't furnaces huge?  This could be hilarious.   Oh yeah, not to mention the 8 inches of packed wet crusty snow on the hill which leads into the basement.  I should get the video camera r.t.g. for this.  It could be Gold.  More to come Loveys.