I am a mixed media artist. I happily use whatever medium best conveys the message. (sometimes this is tricky to figure out) Amongst all my experimentation lies one truth: the wax is where its at. Every time I go back to the wax its like coming home.
The wax is elusive, its mysterious, I'm always learning. There is no rushing this process. Wax is so satisfying.
This is one of the little bookcover paintings I've created this past week. It taught me a lot, so the next group of paintings will be even more entertaining...!?! Meanwhile I'll try to keep posting this group as they're ready. Like I said, there's no rushing this process.
detail, encaustic painting by tereSager |
Encaustic Painting on vintage bookcover by tereSager |
btw, "vintage bookcover" is a fancy way to say "a book I rescued from a dumpster and took the cover off to paint a picture on".
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