It was the most exciting day, I had a visitor. I saw this little guy on my counter when I was cleaning the leeks. I thought he (she?, who knows!) was a piece of jewelry. She was pure gold. A golden beetle. When I looked real close, it was ALIVE. So I put it in the canning jar for a time, so we could all admire him appropriately. He crawled around in there while I made the soup, and we listened to the teen's music, Alabama Shakes, in the background. It was nice. We bonded.
Can I just fess up, this is a miserable-quality blog post due to the piss-poor photos. I'm lucky to get these because she flew out and was gone. G.O.N.E. gone. I'm still looking for her and I keep whining "where's my golden beetle" and my husband keeps saying she'll come back when I least expect it. He's very supportive, I'm lucky that way.

I googled her and she is a Golden Tortoise Beetle, common in North America. Common!?!
I've never seen one before. Supposedly they can change color for the seasons, sort of like I do with fashion, and, get this, they can also change colors according to their mood. Like the ring.
This last shot is extra blurry, but look closely and you can see her eye. According to a beetle curator at the California Academy of Sciences, Dave Kavanaugh, they're good when they are golden (as in not stressed or disturbed). Well this one was so gold I swore she was an earring. She obviously had a happy afternoon in the kitchen with me.
And now I can't vaccum. Darn.
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