Saturday, November 22, 2014

Painting Faces

Unfinished.  I am trying to scoop up some paint now to make something happen here, but instead I am shivering.  This ol' farmhouse is drafty and takes a  while to warm up.  Yesterday this rather goofy little plaque from the oddest store got collaged.  Now its getting a painting over it.  But, I have a busy morning ahead with hungry teens and hungry ponies to feed and pilates doesn't get crossed off the list unless I do it.  THAT     will warm me up, but the  paintings will need to wait.  (story of my life)  Sometimes I get SO MUCH DONE avoiding the canvas, I could be fit as a fiddle at this rate.
I will try to post posts worth posting for all you lovelies to enjoy...this little blog is a brand spankin' new baby to me, an infant.  How exciting.
These guys await features...  (they're not this blurry in real life:-)
Isn't this the silliest figure.?  A person in a long winter's cap.  So far anyway, until it changes.
Creepy figures emerging.  This one is larger, 12x24  birch panel.
Another view, lots of collage, not so much paint yet.  Today, its going to happen by gosh.

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