Thursday, March 23, 2017

Encaustic Hen and Her Egg.

She's a Princess.

The house is turning yellow.

The trees have gripped the Earth down deep.

Sassy legs.

This is a galaxy far far away.

See, I told you she was a Princess.

This painting had been hanging around in my life for quite some time.  It was bland.  It didn't make me-or anybody else- happy to look at it.  So in one fell swoop I took it off the wall and practically ran to the studio, and I had at it.

I had fun with it.  Inks and pastels and more wax all got involved.  We had a party.  Then, all of the sudden, it was done.  Done.  Viola'!  Easy as pie.

Isn't it funny, sometimes painting is easy as pie?  Sometimes.  I mean, this was maybe 17 or 18 minutes of pure crazy overhauling bliss.  Then its over.  How do I bottle that?

In any case, the chicken is now inducing happiness.

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