Friday, September 25, 2015

HouseOfLove's in Full Production in theDreamery.

At last count there's 14 or 15 new ones getting very close to being finished.  I looked around me and this place is in shambles.  Good shambles.  Wonderful shambles.  Glorious shambles.

The ones at Home...

This one is for all those working mothers!

This one is sweet as honey.



Somehow this paper mache' pumpkin got in the mix.  I put it on a coffee can for the next layer to dry and drip.

In the next few days Jessica and I will do finishing touches.  We'll give them all a clear coating and sign them and put the poems on the backs and maybe add buttons and beads and more and more ephemera and some kitchen sinks too.

Paintings lined up under the work table to make more space on top.

I snapped a quick pic of the newest j page.  For fun.

Live a little be a gypsy get around.  Get around.

J page.  Its a bit uninspired.  I must have made this after 5:00.  I'm no good after 5.

A beautiful glorious mess everywhere I looked.

Well-used equipment.

Every day lately is shinier than the one before.  If I look out the windows at the right time, I get a reward.

He just needs a unicorn horn.  Maybe I'll attach one for Halloween.           Its so easy to look out those big ol' windows and just daydream.

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