Sunday, November 1, 2015

Date Night: Halloween.

Even after 19 years of wedded bliss, we still date.  This particular date involved a ride in the car deep into the bowels of the county.  We've gone to this particular place maybe 3 or even 4 times over the years, usually around Halloween so we can try to scare each other.
I'll never forget the first time we stumbled upon the infamous Skull Rock.  I had heard about the legendary rock but never actually knew where it was.  I don't think anybody knows the actual directions and believe me it is not on Google Maps and where we were the was no Google Maps anyway.
 By-the-way, this is not Skull Rock.  This is a different rock that sort of kind of looks like a skull if you shift your imagination somewhat.

Back then we were out on a Sunday drive, both kids in the back seat.  It was a crisp fall day and we were all enjoying the country roads.  Since Jbs grew up here he knows all the back roads and all the good stuff to look at.  He's our tour guide, and he's a good one.   But, we were off the beaten path and he kinda sorta knew where he was but not really.  I saw a little white farmhouse, abandoned, quaint, and surrounded by this rock wall.  My comment, "if ever there was a haunted house, that's it".  And then I saw it, the frosting on the cake, Skull Rock, way over in the side yard close to the road.

Ok so I didn't have proof, there was no sign, but there was no question, this was Skull Rock.  We weren't even looking for it.  I had only heard of it.  It was obvious that this had to be it.   I was scared to let the kids climb on it, it might eat them.  That's how perfect it was.  

Then to make the trip even scarier we saw this quaint and slightly creepy little graveyard where all the Beans are buried.  It sits up a steep steep hill and it is quiet up there.  Quieeeeet.  So we of coarse drove up there yesterday in memory of the good ol' days, and I got out to take a picture.  That's when Jbs started acting like we were having car trouble.  You know, the obligatory "car trouble" when you're out in the middle of nowhere on a date.  On Halloween.

I was disappointed in the fact that the quaint haunted farmhouse was now a great big new yellow home and in the process of building it the rock formation was annihilated.  Tragedy.

But I thankfully realize that this is, indeed, a Princess Problem and I'm over it.  I saw it back when it existed and am happy. We had a fun car ride to the deep deep bowels of our county on a pretty fall day.  This other, imposter Skull Rock from that same area will forever have to do.  Its nose is a bit iffy but it does seem to have a nice skeleton emerging right inside the eye hole if you look at it right.

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