Sunday, February 14, 2016

Stay Warm Dear Ones XOXO

My True Love brought these home yesterday and he got extra points for not waiting because they are so nice and fresh and perky.

This is my valentine surprise for my beloveds--TomYum Soup with all the fixin's.  I tasted it, best ever.  Nice and hot and spicy

My tunnel day before yesterday.  Very gray and winterlike.  The falling flakes were plentiful and large.

Its all happening right here.

And its also happening over at the studio too.  The plants are celebrating Valentine's Day.

Ok so this is my new favorite thing, Life-Changing Bread.  I found it on Pinterest and let me just say that this bread is, indeed, life changing.  I wish the photo was more picturesque, but it was hot out of the oven.  Too hot to handle.  You can see all the different nuts and seeds I used.  I've made it twice now and I'm hooked.  Love it.  Love. It.  I love it so much.
Thing is, it will only let you eat about 2 slices at a time.  Even though you want to eat it all, it won't let you.  It fills you up.  Oh well, I suppose it will last a few days this way.  What a wonderful problem to have.
xoxo Sweet Ones

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