Sunday, June 5, 2016

NMF Cicadaville.

Nelsonville Music Festival.  Our little Coachella.  Practice site for Bonaroo. This is such a sweet scene.

This year the Cicadas were everywhere, enjoying the music.  This one was in my teen's tent-under-a-pop-up.  I think he's been living with them for the entire weekend.
photo by Lucy Williams

Cicada technicians.
photo by Lucy Williams

These golden Cicada shells adorned a hat.  I don't know if he found the rare, gold shells (which are worth thousands), or if he spritzed them with some krylon.

This was one of the fancy variety.

No, I did not pull wings off of Cicadas.  They left them for me all by their own free will.  I looked down at the floor of a shelter house and they were everywhere, little iridescent wings.  I saved them for Fairies to borrow.
I have to admit, I didn't like touching them so I paid the little children to gather them up.  Didn't phase them a bit.

This path leads to Festival Cicadaville.  There's some hardy campers back there.

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