Monday, August 15, 2016

Kitten Update.

Remember these guys?  I thought you needed an update.  There's three of them, its difficult to tell from the photo.  The guy in the middle is doing the splits.  I called him "Tremor" because of his unfortunate condition...he shook.  He had a problem.  And he meowed way too much, especially for a helpless little teenie tiny kitten living outside in a barn in the wilderness.  I was concerned.

Well, apparently he packed his knapsack and went to join a circus because all of the sudden he was gone.  For several days.  Then my son saw him on SnapChat and I am not even making this up.  So he found out the story.  These SnapChat Friends had found him on the road.  (This barn is not particularly close to the road).  Somehow, little Tremor had ended up on the road and these good people-who lifeguard at the very same Aquatic Center that my son lifeguards at, small world-took him home to live with them.  I asked him about little Tremor this morning and he said he doesn't shake anymore and that this rescue tribe consists of "good people".  Best of luck little Tremor.  I never even got to say goodbye.

The chubby dark kitten on the left, he got adopted to Julia and her boyfriend. This kitten had the most laid-back sweet disposition so I think they got a real good one.  They seemed like an adorable couple and she immediately asked when his birthday was (3-25-16) which meant she passed "the test" with flying colors because she cared enough to start party planning immediately.

Somehow the little gray striped number on the right is living in my home with Willie Boots Blues Cat, who seems smitten.  I don't know how this even happened but its kind of like she now owns the place and we just live here.

Maybe FurMomi will go in the trap sometime so I can take her to the gynecologist and get her tubes tied.

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