Saturday, August 13, 2016

Wax On Watercolour.

Here's what it looks like now that the wax has been added.

They both got some grunge added as well, this one more.

So which version wins, wax or no-wax?  (see previous post for the no-wax versions)

So I was watching Y&R, trying to beat the heat yesterday and I had to hit pause because they were at "the Club" and the colour scheme was so fabulous.  I just stared at it in appreciation.  So so pretty.  There was a lot of very reddish wood on the bar at the Club.  And many lime green plants and flowers.  Then there was that Mustard perfection on the fabrics. And.  And.  And, the people were all wearing Navy.  The finishing touch was Jack Abbot's tie, it was Lavender.  The whole set was spot on.
Somebody's sure doing their job at Y&R.  I think I watched the show on pause for a long time, luxuriating in their fine colour choices.

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