Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Happy Medium.

This was my morning watercolour today.  It got kind of wild-I couldn't stop.

Can you even see the pencil lines?  Squint!

Beginning paint...

Continue on and get loose...

Keep going don't stop.  I was into it and forgot to take a picture for quite a while...

This was serious morning meditation...


Title on the bottom.  If someone were to end up with one of these watercolours I've been painting lately, they're sized to pop right in a standard 11x14 frame with a 8x10 window.  So, that title at the bottom would be covered up by the mat. But, you'd know it was there:-)

I was up so early painting happily away when Mr. Dreamery came in and needed me to ride along with him to "pick up a truck".  So I did.  And on the way we grabbed lunch at the Wild Horse in downtown Pomeroy.  The clouds in the sky.  I mean, those clouds.  The air was as clear as it is in France.  Crisp and clear.  We could hear the water and watch the humongous barges travel down the river.

I could have sat there all afternoon and watched the river.

But there was a truck to pick up.  Somehow, I was commandeered to drive it home.  I'm used to my much smaller Wrangler and this, well, lets just say I felt like the king of the road.  That's Mr. Dreamery gassing me up in that rear-view mirror.  At this point we were in beautiful downtown Chester which has a lovely lake by its gas station.  Their clouds were lovely as well.


I felt real large in that truck.  That is until I pulled up to the Grandmother Tree in our yard.   Isn't she somethin'?!!  Next time I will photograph her properly and I will include a point of reference so you can see that this tree is huge.  So huge.  Really really very huge.  (that's my Donald Trump imitation!)

Meanwhile my beloved ponies have fallen out of love with me.  They ignore me when I whistle.  They look at me as if to say "you're mincemeat".  They just continue on eating the summer solstice green green grass.  I suppose that's a good problem.

I'll probably post another tomorrow morning.  Until then goodnight party people. Its been a long full beautiful day.

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