This thing provides hours of quality entertainment. Plus, if somebody stops by when you're not home, they can write their message in the sand. Fun, and useful. Basically its kid's play sand in a rusty, rather large pan. Add some heart stones, some coral, some geodes, some shells, maybe a candle or two. Whatever makes you happy.
The ground is damp and there's a whole little world down here.
Its all happening underneath.
Somehow they fascinated me for a time.
This is my Boho Flag. It now lives on my front porch. Its a branch. And on that branch I've attached some pretties. Things like burlap strips, lace, ribbons, little bells, trinkets, and strings. Its a place to put these items. Actually I had a lot more on it, a lot more, but since it went to live out in the elements I decided to save some of the more precious delicate items. Its constantly evolving.
The other side of Boho Flag.
This one watches over it all.