Sunday, June 28, 2015

tere's Tunnel. Summertime.

My tunnel is lush.  Its summertime. 
tere's Tunnel, summertime, 2015
Warm wind and sunshine sky.
Enter the coolness.

A Mermaid On A Vintage Bookcover.

I painted this months ago, even longer really.  She lingered around my life and I didn't love her, I gave her a facelift.  I just repainted it.  Now loving her properly.
detail, Mergirl, by tereSager.
If you look close there's some shiny flakey things.  Confetti-esque stuff.
She's talented.
And happy.  She should be, she's on a vintage book cover and it doesn't get any better than that.
Its all happening under the sea.
Mergirl, by tereSager.  Mixed Media painting on vintage bookcover.

Zen Garden and a Boho Flag.

This thing provides hours of quality entertainment.  Plus, if somebody stops by when you're not home, they can write their message in the sand.  Fun, and useful.  Basically its kid's play sand in a rusty, rather large pan.  Add some heart stones, some coral, some geodes, some shells, maybe a candle or two.  Whatever makes you happy.
The ground is damp and there's a whole little world down here.
Its all happening underneath.
Somehow they fascinated me for a time.
This is my Boho Flag.  It now lives on my front porch.  Its a branch.  And on that branch I've attached some pretties.  Things like burlap strips, lace, ribbons, little bells, trinkets, and strings.  Its a place to put these items.  Actually I had a lot more on it, a lot more, but since it went to live out in the elements I decided to save some of the more precious delicate items.  Its constantly evolving.
The other side of Boho Flag.
This one watches over it all.

Cherry Kefir.

Its so easy to make this.  Start with a dear friend who will give you some of her Kefir Amoebas.  That is the technical term.
Add milk. 
And let it sit for 24 hours.  Viola'!  Very healthy and wonderful Kefir.  I'm all set.

All The Rain Made Everything Bloom At Once.

This guy blooms right here every year.  Hello.
The Caladiums are extra veiny and see-through.  Love it.
The Canna is just now appearing.
I thought I had made sure those bulbs were good and dead last winter during the Polar Vortex.  They proved me wrong.
These are my favorites.
Doesn't my house have a nice crackle?
And every Hosta has a shoot of purple.  Like soldiers. 
Standing at attention under the giant Maples.

Finally the Sun made an appearance behind some branches.
This is a very important area.  Its the manure pile.  I've had many good times right here with my wheelbarrow.  Good times.  Btw this manure is free.  f.r.e.e.  free.  Come and get all you want.  It comes from an organic pony.
Yet another beautiful day.
I was trying to be artsy here.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Flash Flood in Athens County.

There we were driving home from the GitMo just minding our own business, when we see this.  "ut oh"...
Richland Avenue in Athens
This is the old Rainbow Bar parking lot.  That water was moving so fast.  It sort of blew our minds...
the old Rainbow Bar parking lot flooded
We kept driving home and this is what our little Shade River looked like.  It. Was. Impressive.
the Shade River along old Rt. 33,  flooded
It was moving people, it was moving.
flash flood along old Rt. 33 outside of Athens
At this point we were just staring at all that water, it was something to behold.
flash flood along old Rt. 33 outside of Athens
I thought to snap a picture of the Banjo Hill bridge, completely underwater.  And, the water was over the road.  Well, so much for getting home that way.
The Banjo Hill bridge completely flooded over.
This is where it got scary...the water was rising as we were backing up as fast as possible.  I completely get how things get out-of-hand quickly in this situation.  Somehow jbs turned the car around and it took him at least 3 hours to do it, or so it felt.  Meanwhile, I'm snapping pictures with my fancy phone. 
rising waters of flash flood on old Rt. 33 outside of Athens
Bye Felicia, we're going the other way!
floodwaters over old Rt. 33 at Banjo Hill.
the Shade River floods over old Rt. 33 at Banjo Hill.

flash flood over old Rt. 33 outside of Athens.

The Shade River flash flood along old Rt. 33 outside of Athens.

The Shade River flash flood along old Rt. 33 outside of Athens.

The Shade River along old Rt. 33 outside of Athens.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Stainless Steel Milk Can, transformed.

This thing is a heavy steel milk can like you might find at a dairy farm.  I used acrylic paints, ink, rubber stamps, calligraphy pen, water-soluble oil pastels, ballpoint pen, FW inks and gesso on it.
Milk Can painted by tereSager.
Donations.  Thank you.
Detail, Milk Can painted by tereSager.
As above, so below.
Milk Can by tereSager.
Everybody knows a painting is more interesting if there's a tornado.
Milk Can by tereSager.

Milk Can by tereSager.

Detail, Milk Can by tereSager.

Milk Can by tereSager.

Milk Can by tereSager.

Detail, Milk Can by tereSager.
I haven't even mentioned it but Willie went to a Bed and Breakfast for almost four days!  He. Was. Gone.   That's too long Willie.  We were worried Willie.  So when I couldn't take it anymore I drove waaay up into the tunnel-yes, tere's Tunnel that I always post photos of-and I shut off the Jeep because its a noisy beast.  I sat there in the silence very deep in the cool green woods.  And I called him.  "willlllllllllllllllllie"       "willlllllllllllllllllllllie".
Willie licking his lips after enjoying a can of fancyfood.
And like a gazelle he lept straight out of the woods onto the cool road and as soon as he saw me he laid down for a tummy rub.  I swear, it was like the movies where the lovers run towards each other on the beach in sloMo.  I gave him one hundred kisses and took him home to the air-conditioning.  He decided he likes some of the finer things in life after all.   Willie!

I do a lot of painting when Willie goes adventuring.
Detail, Milk Can by tereSager.