Thursday, June 11, 2015

Hippie Love Bloom No. 1.

This is still a work in progress.  Let me tell you, I dreamed of these all night long and had to run as fast as humanly possible straight out of bed and straight to some paint.  Good thing Jessica had an "AtmoSphere" r.t.g.  Sorry, I just assume everybody knows "r.t.g. " means ready to go.  Is this even a thing?  (R.t.g.  NOT AtmoSpheres).  Everybody knows AtmoSpheres are a thing, duh.
Be warned, we are going to make one jillion of them and I will post them all right here.  One Jillion.
Oh, and I wrote a poem that starts out like this:
Plant them, plant them
In your garden,
    in your hair!
In your house,
   high on your wall,
Because "More Love!" is Love Bloom's call.

Yes, I'm closely related to Dr. Seuss.  There's more to this poem and I will share it very very soon.  Not right now.  Its after nine o'clock and I'm no good after 5.  That's 4 hours past no good.  I could be typing anything right now and not even know it.  Good night all you partypeople who stay up past nine.  I'm going to bed. xoxo
Hippie Love Bloom No. 1.  Collaboration, Jessica Held and tereSager.

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