There we were driving home from the GitMo just minding our own business, when we see this. "ut oh"...
Richland Avenue in Athens |
This is the old Rainbow Bar parking lot. That water was moving so fast. It sort of blew our minds...
the old Rainbow Bar parking lot flooded |
We kept driving home and this is what our little Shade River looked like. It. Was. Impressive.
the Shade River along old Rt. 33, flooded |
It was moving people, it was moving.
flash flood along old Rt. 33 outside of Athens |
At this point we were just staring at all that water, it was something to behold.
flash flood along old Rt. 33 outside of Athens |
I thought to snap a picture of the Banjo Hill bridge, completely underwater. And, the water was over the road. Well, so much for getting home that way.
The Banjo Hill bridge completely flooded over. |
This is where it got scary...the water was rising as we were backing up as fast as possible. I completely get how things get out-of-hand quickly in this situation. Somehow jbs turned the car around and it took him at least 3 hours to do it, or so it felt. Meanwhile, I'm snapping pictures with my fancy phone.
rising waters of flash flood on old Rt. 33 outside of Athens |
Bye Felicia, we're going the other way!
floodwaters over old Rt. 33 at Banjo Hill. |
the Shade River floods over old Rt. 33 at Banjo Hill. |
flash flood over old Rt. 33 outside of Athens. |
The Shade River flash flood along old Rt. 33 outside of Athens. |
The Shade River flash flood along old Rt. 33 outside of Athens. |
The Shade River along old Rt. 33 outside of Athens. |
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