Sunday, June 21, 2015

Flash Flood in Athens County.

There we were driving home from the GitMo just minding our own business, when we see this.  "ut oh"...
Richland Avenue in Athens
This is the old Rainbow Bar parking lot.  That water was moving so fast.  It sort of blew our minds...
the old Rainbow Bar parking lot flooded
We kept driving home and this is what our little Shade River looked like.  It. Was. Impressive.
the Shade River along old Rt. 33,  flooded
It was moving people, it was moving.
flash flood along old Rt. 33 outside of Athens
At this point we were just staring at all that water, it was something to behold.
flash flood along old Rt. 33 outside of Athens
I thought to snap a picture of the Banjo Hill bridge, completely underwater.  And, the water was over the road.  Well, so much for getting home that way.
The Banjo Hill bridge completely flooded over.
This is where it got scary...the water was rising as we were backing up as fast as possible.  I completely get how things get out-of-hand quickly in this situation.  Somehow jbs turned the car around and it took him at least 3 hours to do it, or so it felt.  Meanwhile, I'm snapping pictures with my fancy phone. 
rising waters of flash flood on old Rt. 33 outside of Athens
Bye Felicia, we're going the other way!
floodwaters over old Rt. 33 at Banjo Hill.
the Shade River floods over old Rt. 33 at Banjo Hill.

flash flood over old Rt. 33 outside of Athens.

The Shade River flash flood along old Rt. 33 outside of Athens.

The Shade River flash flood along old Rt. 33 outside of Athens.

The Shade River along old Rt. 33 outside of Athens.

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