Wednesday, June 3, 2015

More Imaginary Flowers.

Flowers everywhere.
detail, watercolour by tereSager.
Ok so these ones are real.

detail, watercolour by tereSager.

detail, watercolour by tereSager.

watercolour by tereSager.

detail, watercolour by tereSager.

watercolour by tereSager.

detail, watercolour by tereSager.

watercolour by tereSager.

detail, watercolour by tereSager.
I took a little vintage (a.k.a. junk) frame and spray painted it periwinkle blue and now its kind of pretty.
watercolour/mixed media painting by tereSager.
More inspiration.
Kind of blurry but you get the idea.  Its hard to photograph flowers when its breezy.

This little guy is so happy today he bloomed.

detail, watercolour/mixed media painting by tereSager.
Nice colour.  I had to put a tomato cage around these so my hubby wouldn't accidentally mow them again.  They've survived so far.

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