Sunday, October 9, 2016

Eyeball Work.

I worked on this yesterday.  Its unfinished, there's more eyeball work to be done.


This was what I did for a warm-up and I sort of liked her.  Is she a Native Princess or a Squirrel?

This area sort of got away from me.

She could use some eyeball work too.

 It had been such a busy day and I couldn't get into the studio until so late that before I knew it this was happening.  The light was fading and the sink-plants were saying goodnight.

Out the front door the sun was setting like a fireball over behind the field.

 I did see something special earlier in the day.  Surely it was it a sign from above to keep on keepin' on with the eyeball practice.  What else could it mean?

You just don't run into this very often.  Fascinating.
Fascinating and fun!  Tomorrow, I'm going to prefect some eyeballs.

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