Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Playing With Strange Paper.

She's evolving into a Native Princess.  And she now has eyeballs, and some teeth as well.  Her dreamcatcher is full.
I like these paintings on paper that aren't serious.  They let you play.

Here are the beginnings of two more:

Playing.  That's all this is.

I added some quick details to this one, and a quote.

I'm finding that if I paint these morning watercolors, my head stays on straight for the rest of the day.

This is weird paper to watercolour on but I had to try it.  It gets so wrinkley and buckled, its thin and slick.  Sometimes the paint doesn't want to adhere to it.  But if you can work through the obstacles its kind of ok.  In fact, I rather like it in a strange strange way.

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