Monday, November 14, 2016

Dust Off the Crusade.

 My More Love Crusade gets ignored and forgotten at times, but its time to bring it out, dust it off, and put it into high gear.  Its time.  Yessirreebob, this is the time if there ever was one.
So straighten up all you meanies out there, the Crusaders are back and we're ready to be real real nice.

I made 21 little dinky Christmas ornaments today.  They're encaustic on wood.

A sweet little collection, right?
But alas, I had to stop crafting.  Its zombie night.  Zombie night btw is always on Beef Monday.  We like our beef rare on zombie night.  Real real rare.

And this hunk of fabulousity below, well, I had to take a picture of it and share it with the world.  Its a candle that looks like a cake.  Where else, Anthropologie.  Everything is perfect in Anthropologie.  I could have stayed in there for a very long time.  What am I talking about, I DID stay in there a very long time.  In fact, I might move there, sort of like the Bundy's did when their a.c. konked out and they moved into the GitMo freezer isle.  (I made that name up or my brother did, GitMo)

I wonder how long it will take them to notice.  Surely it won't be until after Christmas, so I'm good for a while.

That's where I'll be!

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