Saturday, April 1, 2017

Circus Light PopUp Show and A StarBrick Report.

The Majestic Annex, enter here...

Innocent spectators:

Not-so innocent spectators:
The lady on the left stole my art show with her crazy-good cheeseball.  STOLE it, right out from under me!

She gave me the recipe and I'll post it soon.  Very very soon.

Meanwhile, looking across the street, I just had to share this tree/building combo. Its so pretty right now with the tree blooming against the taupe building.  And these photos don't do it justice, I'm going to get a good picture of it when I go back. The conditions weren't right, but I took these anyhow.

Two doors down, walking into Starbrick Gallery is a real treat.  The show is stunning.   Simply stunning.

Then when you go back into the shop, you'll never know what you'll find.

This is what you think it is.


There's a lot to see inside this gallery.  A lot.  Every time you go in its a visual feast.  And its constantly evolving.  You'll see something different every visit.

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