Monday, April 10, 2017

More Daytrippin'.

More daytripping around Athens County, actually over to Vinton County.  This is the view from Lookout Rock.  You could see so far.  I was too high.  Waaaay too high.

These pictures don't show the depth perception but it was a sheer cliff.  If you've never been up there, go!  Wait, don't go, its waaaay too high.

Raccoon Creek was running strong and green.

The graffiti inside the tunnel was fabulous, such luscious colors.

This is looking out the other side of the tunnel.

More luscious street art in the middle of nowhere.


Why not?  My interpretation of this graffiti is warning the college students not to jump off the train tressel.  There used to be a downed tree and a refrigerator in the water so you had to jump in the middle, carefully.
It sounds so crazy but people did it all the time and lived to tell about it.

The refrigerator seems to have been removed.

Or maybe it floated away to the next county.

There was a zombie in there.

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