Saturday, April 15, 2017

Serious Spring.

Today was some serious spring.  The leaves on the trees are doing it.  And there's springy decorations everywhere.

I'm kind of in love with these flowers.  I think there was some crocheting and some starching involved in this d.i.y.

And these.

Every time I see pussy willows I immediately become a young girl again back on our farm.  There was a pussy willow bush in the side yard.  It intrigued me.

We baked a gazillion cookies.  Bunnies.  Eggs.  And those carrots!

The decorating was such fun.  There was a group of us and everybody's creations were different.  I declared "no rules!" at the get-go.

This was happening back home.   The kitten was stuck in the tree.  It was her first tree experience and I wish there was audio with this photo.  She's a talker.
Thank goodness she has a strapping young teenager who loves her dearly.  He climbed up the huge ladder and rescued her.  (I'm actually glad I was decorating a gazillion cookies and didn't see this rescue mission).

It was overwhelming and exhausting.

5 hours later, and I'm not even kidding.                  Happy Easter peeps.

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