Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Daily Squares, the Process.

I've been documenting the process of my July pages.  This started out on black pages, a vintage Photo album like the kind you see at flea markets.  I gesso'd the pages leaving a black border.  Then I put my new favorite thing-Absorbent Ground- over the gesso (so watercolour would absorb.)  Then I had at it with watercolours.
These squares are loose.  Tight squares are waaaay too harsh.
Does anybody remember what I did last Thursday.  Boy oh boy don't skip a day or else you'll pay trying to remember.  Actually I do remember.
detail of Daily Squares July 2015
Its just too embarrassingly silly to document.  I think we played with the kitten all day long and I'm kind of serious.  As soon as I accept this reality I will document its idiocy for future generations to remember me by.
detail of the Daily Squares July 2015 page progress.

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