Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Drink 'n Draw.

Tuesday afternoons are for drinkin' and drawin'.  Its just a few ladies, we bring something to doodle on and order fancy cocktails.  There's so many yummy choices at the Cider House, but I almost always get the same one, a Dry Ginger Spritzer.  Its perfection in a glass.

This is a sweet vintage book I draw in sometimes.   I love the feel of the pages.  These pages are watercolour and ink.  All of these spreads are works in progress...
Watercolour and Inks...
Watercolour and Pencil...
Watercolour, Ink...
Watercolour, Ink...
This is Absorbent Ground over the page then I painted with watercolours on top of that, plus ink...
Same here, I put Absorbent Ground down first.  It makes the watercolours flow totally different than just putting it right onto the book page.
This page has watercolour and collage papers.
Watercolours and imaginary flowers...
This is the spread I worked on today... So far its going nowhere.  That will change, hopefully, in the morning.  I don't get much done at the bar really.
Stepping Stones to Literature.  A Second Reader.  Its all happening here.  I will post this again in the future... it should all come together by then.  (don't you just love the word "should")
This, well this is the bouquet at the bar.  I believe the bartender said the ladies at the Hyacinth Bean supply their bouquets.  It was too pretty not to snap a pic.
The trip over the river and through the woods to the bar today was a party of green.  I'm liking my tunnel this time of year.
It really is like being in a whole other world.  Its peaceful in there.  Quiet, peaceful, and cool.  Love it.

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