Friday, July 3, 2015

Lovely Little Pond at Art Park.

I came across this pretty pond while hiking around today at Art Park.  It had humongous pink blooms shooting out of those big leaves.
I felt like I'd entered a little fairytale pond world.

Rumor has it that the Grateful Dead actually played in these woods "back in the day".  If you walk around back there you'll see the art...but that's another post for another time.

ok so let me be perfectly honest here, the word "hiking" around was a bit, shall we say, off.  I suppose it was more like "toodling".  Yes, I was toodling around and came across a cute pond.  There was no special equipment, no boots, no strenuous climbing, no none of that.  I think if I remember right I had a cocktail the entire trek and didn't spill a drop.

And then when I was leaving I saw this.  I know, it looks  just like a sunflower.  We see them everyday this time of year.  But look closer, this one is coming right out of the crack between the bricks.  No, it wasn't strategically placed, it was a happy accident.

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