Saturday, July 11, 2015

Time/Space Continunum Dilemna Solved.

Keep adding a little something everyday.  Somehow I always have the perfect amount of space on these pages.  Its funny how a seemingly-unimportant sentence from your own mind will jog your memory of the entire day.  I mean, I do realize how goofy and unimportant these little sentences must seem to you out there in cyberspace, but to me they're worth a million dollars- later.  Now, they're too fresh to be important memories.  Now its just play.  I choose a colour that is it for me for that month.  My pretend sister gave me that packet of EmergenC and I've never had that flavor before so it made my day people -and to celebrate it I'm going to incorporate the packet into the scheme.  Its a bonus that it matches so splendidly.  And once I blink my eyes and the time/space vortex that we all seem to be in does its thing and July is magically o.v.e.r. done and gone, well, I'll still have this.  Precious.

Its dawning on me that I've figured it out...this time/space continunum dilemna that we're all experiencing.  You know, the one where time flies by and we can't stop it.  Yeah, that one.  Well, somehow having art that I can hold in my hot little hands and kiss and hug and love is making it all ok, this waaay-too-fast passage of time thing.  See, the time is gone, but I've got this.  So the answer, for me, is obvious.  Stay busy, be productive, make things, fix things, spruce up things, do whatever it takes to have something concrete to show for the passage of that precious time.  It will make you feel allright about it.  It will make you know that it wasn't wasted.

Oh my gosh its NOON, I've got to hurry!....   

           and so it goes.

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