Monday, May 9, 2016

A Little Black Spot On The Sun Today.

I scored these goodies in the clearance section at the Hobby Lobby.  I was there Saturday (Mother's Day weekend), with Mom.  We had a blast-that store is fascinating. My dad was so patient, my husband, not so much.  It was a wonderful way to celebrate Mother's Day, wonderful.  Silly, but wonderful.

And just look at those prices, think of all the money we saved.

I have been riveted to this all morning long.  Riveted.  They're playing beautiful classical music as the Transit occurs.  The fact that there's really not a lot to see doesn't matter, I'm still riveted. Riveted.  Absolutely fabulous, this modern technology trend.

And I am blogging my breakfast to encourage you all to eat well, and if at all possible put pretty little edible flowers on it.  Those greens were straight out of the garden, not my garden, but somebody's garden.  They were lovely.


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