Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Cicada Love.

They. Are. Everywhere.  And I mean everywhere.

These guys just crawled right out of their shells.  And they just leave them laying around (see above photo).  Rather rude if you ask me.

Then they start their march up the trees.

Sometimes they get confused and mistake blades of grass for a tree.  Hey, they've been underground for 17 years, it takes a minute to get it together.

The migration "up".

I do not like it when they come up on my porch.

Stay outside, please.

I think a Hummingbird and a Grasshopper and a T-Rex got married one day and had a baby and it was a Cicada.  The first Cicada.

No no, Cicada's didn't do this to this poor tree.  A Pileated Woodpecker did this, according to my dad.  Apparently this tree has an insect problem and the Woodpecker is happy to try to help.  Oops, he may have went a little too far.

Obviously the bugs are winning out here in this neck of the woods.  Its fun to say it.  "bugs, winning".  (Say it like Charlie says it, because that's how I am saying it in my mind.)

Thank Goodness there's a new mobile chocolaterie parked in town.  Saved!

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