Sunday, May 1, 2016

May Morning Dew.

The fair maid who
the first of May
goes to the fields
at break of day
and washes in dew
from the Hawthorne tree
will ever after

Old English proverb with lots of deep meaning.

I always splash a bit in the MayDay morning dew, ever since I was young and first heard this.  Can't hurt, right?  I mean I'm out there feeding my ponies anyway.  They help out.

This is an unfinished j page I was playing around with today.  I was in sort of a mood, so...

Actually, painting this page made my mood dissolve.  Hallelujah.  Then I started looking through the j.  I liked this little illustration/map of my last-year's Marigolds, thought I'd share.

You KNOW you live in the country when you see these.  Come one come all!

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