Saturday, March 7, 2015

Over the River and Through the Woods...

This is that magical place that the song was written for.  That big pampered (aka lazy) Peppermint Eater (I'm sure that is his racehorse name in his other life) needs a sleigh so we can ride it through here every time it snows.  This tunnel goes on for quite a ways, long enough to feel like you're in the woods instead of on an actual road.  In this Dream Sleigh I have luscious fur throws( faux or real doesn't matter because they lie to us about which is which anyway), and brass bells, and a flask tucked in there somewhere, oh and probably a gps.  And the big pony is decorated with beads and braids and tassels.  We are singing-of ALL things--"you're so vain" at the top of our lungs.  Oh, and we are wearing those real long pointed colorful stocking caps and the big lazy pony is trotting so fast that they are flying behind us. He is singing too while he trots to the beat.  There are at least 40 of us in the sleigh, its sort of like a pontoon boat party at this point of the fantasy.  Bikinis.  Sunshine.  Songs.
This is one of the twins.  He was eating some of the bird's sunflower seeds first thing this morning.  We made eye contact but he didn't care, he was hungry.
My dream snow melted a bit, not good for the Fantasy Sleigh.
This was a pretty pretty pretty good snowstorm (say this like Larry would) and every time the electricity flickered we all said a prayer.
The tunnel in all its winter finery.  This way to grandma's house.
Every single branch had snow on it.  Even the tiniest ones.
I never get tired of the tunnel.
First light.
Today all this snow is falling in mini avalanches and hitting us all in the heads.
This is the way to the secret hideout.
Power lines please stay up there.
Once the sun came out after the snowing stopped, it was pretty prett, ok I'll stop being Larry, but it was a good-lookin' blue.
No traffic today.

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