Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Sprout Farming and a Treat Mouse.

I can't believe I haven't been a sprout farmer since day one.  I'm just now figuring out that its the best thing on the planet.  All you do is put 2 Tbsp of Sprouting Seeds in a Mason Jar and cover them with water to soak for 4 to 8 hours.  Put cheesecloth over the top so you're able to empty the jar and rinse the seeds twice a day.  Easy as pie.
Sprout Farming Supplies.

Soak your Sprout Seeds.

Sprout Seeds Soaking.
Eating right is hard enough, it needs to be fun.  And sprout farming is fun.  Ok so I'm realizing here that maybe I don't have a life after all.  The fact that its this thrilling to me watching seeds sprout is either pathetic or splendid.  And then once they sprout and go in the fridge, I can't bear to see them go to waste so I eat tons of them.  And that's a good thing, right?  Trickery, in a good way.

And speaking of fun, this contraption is quality entertainment.  More to come on that...
Treat Mouse, our Newest Family Member.

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