Thursday, May 7, 2015

Note To Self.

Aaaah, the month of May, so pleasant.  Sometimes its so perfect outside that you don't even realize that there's weather around you.  Its a shame not to tune in.
But alas, somehow the month of May is such a busy time of year, everybody and everything buzzing away, mindlessly in their own personal frenzies.  Personally, my daytimer is full.  Its been like pulling a tooth to find time to make art.  I am fully aware that this is a princess problem.
detail of a still-wet j page by tereSager.
Note to self:  tune in tere!     Oh, and, try to use the word alas a whole lot more:-)
mixed media j page by tereSager. 
She's fully tuned in, 24/7:
Pony, fully aware, watching the sun set.

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