Tuesday, May 12, 2015

What's Cookin' In the Dreamery...

House of Love's are what's cookin'.  They're everywhere, drying.  Awaiting their finishing touches...
House of Love.  Created by the Heartland Honey girls.
We found this funky rack, a perfect place to let things dry.
fun drying rack.
Some were just too wet to move.  They stayed in their places like little soldiers.
House of Love's in the works...
I had piles of watercolours going too.  And bookcover paintings.  And journals.  I was in a bit of an art-making frenzy and it was pure heaven.
glorious art mess.
Pile o' art.
This little baby is close to ready:
Oh my, what have I done?
mixed media painting/assemblage by tereSager.
House of Love by Heartland Honey girls.
I couldn't stop with the art making until a big storm came and Lovey wanted to go in the barn.  And that was that.
Lovey worshiping the gate.  She had obviously been in the pond earlier.

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