Saturday, May 2, 2015

The Tunnel was Eerie, But The Sky Was Cheerful.

So on my way to feed the ponies last evening, the tunnel was rather creepy.  Then I turned around,...
and this is what I saw on the other side of the road.  Special effects must have been used by the atmosphere gods. 
I know it sounds weird, but looking at these surroundings makes me go to a place in my head where I try to figure out how to make painting look like that.  How do I make paint do that??  Everything was just so crisp and clear in that air.  And its just the opposite up above.  Intriguing to me.  Sometimes it consumes my mind.  Do other people think this way when they see everyday magical light?   Or is this a case of too much art, man. (say this to the 'tune' of "too many rules man").  I obviously need to go do pilates immediately.

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