Sunday, January 31, 2016

More Love Cards.

Vintage papers, acrylic paint, ink, graphite and watercolours, on a ripped-apart book cover.


Another ripped-apart book cover.  Same "ingredients" more or less.

Background for another Love Card...this one will be waiting for me in the studio when I get there tomorrow.

I wonder what's going to happen to it!  The possibilities are endless.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Snowmen and Love Cards.

Its all happening, once again I find myself painting snowmen.  This painting consists of collage papers, acrylic paints, graphite, and some craft store stars/beads.

This is a close-up of the craft store beads.  Squint real hard.

This little painting is on a book cover.  Remember it from 2 nights ago when I posted the hot messes?  Now I rather like it.  Like, not love.

Love Card on a ripped apart book cover.

And another Love Card.

This Love Card still isn't 'there'...

Ok so these guys have been tucked away in my art room for a long time.  I got them out, dusted them off, punched them up and gave them some love.  They're acrylic paint/collage on a ripped-apart book cover.  I think the guy on the right is trying to make a very important point.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Monster Twins Emerge From A Sun Flower.


And here's where we are.  Nothing, nothing, nothing like what I thought would happen.

Moving Forward In The Studio.

Mercury is trying so hard to move forward again and so am I.  Progress was made today in the way of backgrounds.

This one is odd, but I like it.

This background is the start of a seascape perhaps??

Yeah, idk what's going on here.  But I do like the colour combo.

This became a hot mess.  Tomorrow I'll try to pull a Tony Soprano and unfu#* it.

It was time for a supper and I was getting the "eye", so painting came to a close.

But not before working on a snowscape.  Gee, I wonder what prompted that.

Unfinished.  Waiting for the perfect touch, tomorrow...

Our big boy here waited so patiently for his oat.  Good pony, goooood pony.