Tuesday, January 19, 2016

HouseOfLove Snippets and Low Winter Sun.

I love the big knot in the wood on this one.

This is the Sun.

A CircusTent HouseOfLove.

Everything about this one is groovy.

Baby Blues and Payne's Gray.

Iridescent rooftop and implied doorway.

Posies outside the front door.

Love.  Beads.

If you dare.

Swirling deliciousness.

Always welcome.

HouseOfLove in the making.

We had to bust out the holiday plastic tablecloth to protect the table from the madness.

The sky was so clear this morning.  It was freezing cold and I had to feed those ponies early.  On my way back inside I snapped a picture of my tunnel.

The trees looked skeletal and the morning light was making them glow.

Not one single solitary leaf to be found.  Not one.  The trees are guarding the road like soldiers.

The low winter sun was quite enough for this guy, thank you very much.  He happily popped open yesterday when it was only 3 degrees outside.

The AngelPlant is enduring the cold windowsill.
The WinterSun is trying to do its thing.
Dad says spring is 61 days away.  Well, I say January is all but gone.  Like a freight train, gone.  And once January is over, February is just one small minute long.  We'll be at Psychological Spring before we know it so enjoy tomorrow's predicted snow.  It'll be so exciting.  We'll all have to make a pot of soup.

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