Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Studio Chat.

In December, Christmas takes over my life and art-making takes a backseat.  I love January, getting back in the swing of things, a fresh start, a clean slate.  I'll be honest, I forgot how to paint.  I forgot how to hold a paintbrush.  I forgot how to make a picture.

I had this little book with an empty page, so I started in.  This was all play, no work involved what-so-ever.

I stuck these four stickers onto the page just because it made me happy.  The colours did it for me.  Making this quick little colorful nonsense was the equivilent to going to therapy.  Deep clinical therapy.  The kind of therapy where they attach little suction cups with coiled wires on your forehead and the electronic gamma rays get translated onto important charts and graphs and screens with beeping lights. Yes, sticking those little-kid stickers on my art got me through this frigid January day and not only got me through it, it kept me smiling.  Aaaaaaah, its the little things.        stickers.  Try it.

Speaking of the little things,
do you see it.......??

This little gem fell yesterday morning.  My lovely farmgirl friend stopped by after milking the cow up the road.  Yup, she brought me fresh milk still warm.  She's a good friend to know.  As she was leaving we spotted this perfect snowflake on her coat.  That's a sure sign of a good day right there.

The low winter sun had been keeping the Angel Plant happy, but I forgot to water it for too long during all that Christmas frenzy and I thought for sure it was a goner.  Its looking much better now.
Aren't the pinky-purple veins pretty?

And this guy.  He went off into the world to live his life.  I'm always glad to see my babies go off with their new families to dangle on their new walls.  Bye Snowman, bye!

Stay warm party people.

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