Thursday, January 14, 2016

How To Practice Your Art.

I played with my watercolors.  Playing was on my mind so I painted a Toy Store.

Then I got down to work.  I keep seeing this pin...How To Practice Your Art.  I see it all the time lately.  So, I decided to practice faces.  That pin is guilt-tripping me.  Here's what I came up with:

That blasted Pin keeps telling me to practice (dammit.).  I want that Pin to go out of my mind, to just leave me alone to play and have fun.  Leave me alone Pin.
I was, however, giddy with glee over these little people I produced.  Each one different.  Each one special in his own way.  Her own way??  And even though I was having fun making them it felt like I was working very very hard at honing my craft.  Especially because my usually cozy and warm studio was positively freezing and I was shivering the entire time.  So basically, this was pure torture and it is miraculous I could even lift the paintbrush.  I have now crossed that off my list so somebody please push the button that you push when you've done a Pin!  You know, the one that brings on the wild applause.

Now I can look at Pinterest in peace.

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