Monday, January 25, 2016

The Dead of Winter.

Apparently this is what it has come to...using Thumper to paint.

He wouldn't cooperate, though we tried.

All I needed to accomplish today was putting some letters on a HOL.  It about killed me.  I think the problem was that Mercury is stationary.

Tomorrow Mercury goes forward once again.  I'll get everything done then.

Willie spent his entire afternoon looking through the slats at the cardinals in the birdfeeder.  Fascinating.  He reached Zen State and held it for quite some time.

Have you seen any blades of grass?  I swear I left them right here.

My tunnel is picturesque today under the blue winter sky.  I am realizing that I still have on friday's double set of false eyelashes that I applied for the big snowstorm.  Looking back, I was adequately prepared.

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