Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Carrot Cake Art

I have friends that love the kitchen, food is their art.  But it always kind of makes me feel bad to eat it when somebody spends all that time and energy making it lovely.  (but I do anyway, I bite the bullet, I take one for the team and eat the lovely lovely food anyway oh woe is me.)

Somehow this carrot cake that Martha Stewart taught me to make had the opposite effect.  I couldn't wait to cut into this bad boy.

My sweet little daughter -who bytheway is an adult teaching our elementary children to read- my sweet little daughter asked me if I stuck real carrots in there. I think she meant 'is there a raw carrot still on those greens that you inserted into the middle'?   It made me so happy to know there's still some child inside her because it was the silliest question.  Of coarse there's a raw carrot inserted inside, silly child.

Ok so this sleek machine, this turquoise shiny wonder, this, this is what transports the rare artcake...        Isn't it just splendid, wait, I'll answer that.  Yes, why yes, it IS splendid.  Just the mere thought of taking a cake into any environment in this beauty is pure joy.  I almost need to be wearing white gloves when I carry it.

For the record, Martha knows her stuff about carrot cakes.  Everybody who took a bite kind of moaned in ecstasy while eating it.  It was a successful Easter Dinner over the river and through the woods at Grandma and Grandpa's house this year.  The cake is now gone and our insulin levels are evening out.

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