Friday, September 30, 2016

Storm Clouds and Toothy Jack O'Lanterns.

Painting these guys was complete and total art therapy.

I'm kind of in love with them both.

There's collaged papers underneath the paint.  If you squint  you can see it in this shot.

I started out with those paper mache' pumpkins that are at every craft store these days.  Then it got covered with torn paper and glue.  Then, paint.

I enjoyed them like that for a few weeks and then got crazy and gave them life. You have to imagine the scene from Frankenstein here where the mad Doctor yells "he's alive, allllllliiiiiiiive!"

Ok maybe not.

But I did get some eyeball practice in.

Then I got distracted by the schennanigans out the window.  These clouds came and I couldn't stop watching them.

How do you even spell schennanigans?  Apparently not like that, but I couldn't find it in dictionary.

The rain came, badly needed.  I could hear the slurp-slurp-slurping of the trees taking a big drink.

I forgot their ears so they couldn't hear anything.  Its just as well.
Tomorrow is October.  Wasn't it just springtime 10 seconds ago?  Let me answer that.  Yes, it was just springtime 10 seconds ago.  But now its not.  And we all need to accept this.

The days are getting shorter and its happening fast.  The real zombies will be here soon, not those fake California/Mexico zombies, I'm talking the real zombies.  So get ready party people, get ready to be scared because this is happening.  Get your Jack O's painted up to scare them away; surely this will help us all to survive the horror.

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