Monday, October 5, 2015

Details, Happenings In theDreamery.

I am so tired tonight I could cry.  I worked all day long just to get further and further behind.  I've been on the hamster wheel all afternoon.  My to-do list is overwhelming.  So overwhelming I'm going to bed.  I don't even think I can get the giant dreadlock out of my hair.

Today in the studio I finished up a painting and put a protective finish on it.  It is nothing like I'd envisioned when I started painting it.  Nothing.  Nothing.  I'm not even sure what I think about it.
It was clear that it was finished, it said it loud and clear.  Very clear.  There was nothing more to paint on it.

I left it right in the sunshine blasting in through the windows, the last blazes of the day.  The sun was low.  I'm too tired to care if its even tolerable.  I'll look at it again tomorrow, with fresh eyes.  Tonight it can sit and become.  I left the blinds high so the stars can shine on it too.

I dreamed Love.  A detail.

What else IS there?
Good night and sweet dreams.  Tomorrow I shall conquer.

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