Sunday, April 10, 2016

A Ton of Matte Gel Medium

I put a ton of gel medium on this painting today.  So much that its going to take some time to dry.   I wanted to see what it would look like.  I'll keep you posted...

And this, this is inspiring me to paint a watercolour.  I like how the veins look through the leaf.

And this, this inspired me today too.  I couldn't figure out what it's deal is.  I mean, it looks like a fall leaf sorta kinda, but its springtime.  And its so colorful. I saved it, its in my basket.  I know, duh, I can put it in my journal and cover it with a ton of gel matte medium to preserve it forever.  I'm saying this sarcastically, but I still might actually do it.

Well whatever its deal is, it inspired me and I love it.

And this.  Well you know the story here.  It blooms everyday, like it or not.

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