Saturday, April 16, 2016

Freedom and Garden Glamour Stones.

This is the "first finished version" of this little painting on the narrow bookcover. I say the first because I think its going under the knife again...
Its difficult to read the quote, which I like.  If you do the work you get the reward.  But I'm not sure I like the quality of the difficultness.
Its just not there yet.

Lately I've been having trouble bringin' it home.  It comes in phases for me, and I haven't had that cycle of the phase for too long.  I love it when I go in to work on paintings and I can just look at them for 1/4th of a millisecond and know what they need and grab them and do it and boom, its right.  I'm needing that day.

Meanwhile, these glamourous beauties are now in my container gardens.  I always forget which green is which when they're still itty bitty, problem solved.

And you know how much I love to paint a rock.

Oops, there's no item in the photo to tell you how big or small this beauty is.  They're each maybe 3 1/2 inches, fits right in your hand.

So even though I can't seem to bring it home with my paintings lately, I'm making it happen with the garden markers.  My level of happiness over this is waay too high.

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