Saturday, April 2, 2016

Ohio Is My Home

A watercolour map idea has been percolating in my head for a while, so yesterday I made this study.  I'm trying to get at something but I'm not sure what it is yet.  Does anybody else work like that?  I can't think the idea through in my mind first then create it.  No not me.  Me, I have to do it wrong first before I can do it right.  Its a bit of a hassle going through life that way, but hey, at least I figured it out.  It drives the guys bonkers when I rearrange, I positively must put the couch "over there" to make absolute certain that it won't work before I can put it anywhere else.  The couch must be moved at least twice, not once, twice. Same with paintings, I have to paint it the wrong way first to see what does and doesn't work.

Some of this works.  Not all, but some.  It needs more landmarks fersure.  I'll keep playing with it and let you know what transpires.

*Fersure IS a word.

No time to keep working on landmarks, I had to take a little jaunt to the gallery and on the way back through I drove by those darn trees again.  They're just so stinkin' wonderful I had to stop.  The day was wild, Texas-sky-clouds and sun, wind gusting, shining rays,  cherry blossoms blowing and falling through the air like snow, and the people, the people, once again all happy and frolicking in their enchanted world under the blossoms.  I'm telling you, its there, its really really there this secret enchanted world where everything is good.  Walk in 15 feet, you'll see.  You must go in in order to experience the change from the reality of the outer world.

The-haunted-mental-health-center-"mansion"-up-on-the-hill backdrop makes it even that much more epic.

Bye enchanted world...gotta go make more art.

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