Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Pink Trees and Sleek Machines.

This little painting is on a long thin bookcover.  It was drippy and wet, but I wanted to snap a quick picture of it before leaving the studio today.  I will let you know what comes of it.

I might have been channeling the color palette of this luscious rusty crackle hinge.

This was under all that matte gel medium.  It dried!  Its real thick and shiny.  I like it.

I tried to tip it to get the full effect of the thick layer, not so helpful.

It worked better in this shot.

Well, just know, there's a heck of a lot of gel medium on this painting and I like it.

Ok so this morning was huge.  DarkSoul III came out and the teens were all very very very excited about this.  I sent my husband in for my teen's copy (since he had to be at work).  The things we do for our kids...
Hubby waited in line behind about 20 teens, oh the stories he told.  He scored "our" copy at 10a.m.  He brought it right home for me and Willie to download.  "Just pop it in the PS4 and download it mom" my darling teen yelled as he was running out to his car.

     Now mind you, I do not know what the PS4 looks like.  Head cocked. I entered the forbidden turf.  It was dark and the bed was unmade.  First thing right off I put some clean bedsheets on that bed and made it up nice and tight because I am a mean mean mother.  Then I asked Willie what a PS4 was.

     There it was, in the darkest corner of the room.  I could barely make it out it was so sleek and black.  And, there weren't any dang buttons on the dang thing.
I almost had to phone the Middle School at this point and ask them to put a 12-year-old boy on the phone, any 12-year-old boy, the closest one would do.  Ah, didn't need to call, it opened!  As if by magic.  It turns out all you do is grope around haphazardly and it opens for you.  It spit out GTA (old game, bad game) and sucked in this new shiny sleek and supposedly wonderful game before I could even bat an eye.  In it went good bye.
   Well fellow Mothers, this is where it got tricky.  I made a quick call and got JAH on the phone.  I thought this was smart since she has a teen son as well.  She advised, "use the controller".  Controller?  I've seen those.  There were at least 5 of them in the vicinity.  I followed a wire leading out of the sleek shiny buttonless PS4 to a controller.  Surely this will work.  "Turn the tv on" she then advised.  Seems simple enough.  Well people, these newfangled tv's it seems have no buttons either.  What is this trend and how soon until its over?  Darn minimalist designers.  Things need buttons people!  Otherwise we don't know how to turn them OFF.  Or, in this case, on.
   Dissclaimer:  I know it sounds as if I am an old fogey but I can assure you I am quite young and with it.
   It seems that groping and fumbling is the new black for flipping a switch these days.  Got it, don't know how but its on.
   "Find the MotherButton" (like is on Fancy?)  I could relate to that, its in the center and its round.  Yup.  It took me to a section of "users", and it seems that my darling teenage baby child has ELOPED because his girlfriend's user name had HIS last name.

     This took some time to digest.  I had to pet Willie and breathe.
I'm never going in there again.  There's no going back, no unseeing the seen.
I somehow someway downloaded this fabulous spectacular game so that the playing of said game could commence the very same second he blasted through the front door and left his shoes in the middle of the floor.

Never going in there again.

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